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T-ball and Baseball.
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Gosford Pirates Baseball is involved across all levels of junior baseball on the Central Coast.
Tee Ball - 4 to 8 yrs
Tee Ball is a simplified version of baseball and is intended as an introduction for children aged 4 to 7 to develop ball game skills and have fun. The players hit a modified, softer baseball off a stationary tee allowing children to learn the skills of batting, catching, running the bases and throwing.
The size of the diamond is reduced.
Number of runs per inning is limited
Game length is limited
Zooka/Machine Ball (Little League Minor) - 8 to 10 yrs
Zooka/Machine Ball, like Tee Ball is a modified form of baseball which builds on the skills learned in Tee Ball, and takes your child another step closer to baseball. A modified, softer baseball is "pitched" from a Zooka pitching machine. This ensures that a consistent pitch is delivered to the batter.
The size of the diamond is reduced
Number of runs per inning is limited
Game length is limited
Little League Major- 10 to 12 yrs
Little League Minor begins the players exposure to the skills needed for senior baseball. The game is played to a modified set of rules that are designed to ensure that each age group has the potential to maximise their development and enjoyment of the game.
The size of the diamond is reduced (70% of the standard size)
Number of runs per inning is limited
Game length is limited
Uses a standard baseball
Junior League - 12 to 14 yrs
The next step in your childs skill development. The game is played to a modified set of rules that are designed to ensure that each age group has the potential to maximise their development and enjoyment of the game.
The size of the diamond is reduced (80% of the standard size)
Number of runs per inning is limited
Game length is limited
Uses a standard baseball
Senior League - 14 to 16 yrs
The final step for junior players as they prepare to move into Senior (Adult) competition. The game is played to a modified set of rules that are designed to ensure that each age group has the potential to maximise their development and enjoyment of the game.
Played on a full sized diamond
Number of runs per inning is limited
Game length is limited
Uses a standard baseball
Dugout Chart
How to score tball
Code of Conduct
Official Rules of Baseball
What is the main goal of tee ball?The main goal of Tee Ball is for kids to have FUN. Each player will get plenty of “at bats” and usually field in a different position each innings. The coach will only assign a fielding position to a player if they are comfortable in that position. The balls used in Tee Ball are of a soft nature.
When does the season start?Season commences mid-October and finishes in February.
How long does a game of tee ball take?Each game takes about one hour. The coach will usually request players get to a game thirty minutes before start time to warm up and get organised.
Is there team training during the week?Yes. The coach will organise the day and time. A training session usually runs for an hour midweek.
When are games played?The games are played Sunday mornings on a home and away basis either at Hylton Moore Oval, East Gosford, or at Wattanobbi Oval. Games usually start at 9.00am.
Are there games during the school holidays?Games are not normally played during the school holidays.
Can my child play in a team with his friends?We will do our best to ensure that your child is playing with his/her friends. We ask you to specify the names of friends during the registration process.
What equipment do I need to supply for my child?The club provides bats, helmets and a game day shirt for the season. You will need to provide grey baseball pants and boots (trainers and soccer boots are acceptable), along with a baseball glove. We can help make recommendations for this, but highly recommend Diamond One ( for their range and expert advice.
Who looks after the team?Each team will have a manager and at least one coach who are Working With Children (WWC) accredited.
What are the eligible ages for Tee Ball?4 years to 8 years.
Are there separate male and female teams?Generally not. Our focus is on the kids playing with their friends and having a great time.
What if my child isn’t great at throwing or catching?Not a problem. Our coaching will help develop your child’s motor skills. Our training sessions are designed to teach basic skills so your child can enjoy the Sunday game.
What happens after Tee Ball?Tee Ball is the start of the baseball journey. Next step is to Machine Pitch (ages 9 and 10) where players are challenged to hit a moving ball “pitched” to them from a Zooka machine. Live pitch occurs when your child moves into the under 12s.
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